The Secret to High School Success: The Evolution of Tutoring into Academic Coaching

High school can be challenging and stressful for many students, if not the majority! Students are navigating a sea of subjects, exams, extracurricular activities, and of course, post-secondary and career planning! Not to mention the gap in education styles and expectations between high school and post-secondary institutions. 

Students are held to much higher standards in post-secondary than high school and that can leave many students feeling ill-equipped and stressed, impacting their self-confidence and perceived ability to succeed. An issue that online learning during the COVID pandemic didn't help. Add to this the shifting nature of education, and it becomes the perfect storm. No wonder so many students are struggling; it's normal.

Cue the rise of academic coaching. Paired with tutoring, this student centred approach could be the answer to the rise in student stress and delivering the skills students need to become lifelong learners. 

Like many stable pillar industries, education is changing. It's becoming more personalised and user-centric. From accessing knowledge to the pace and location, education is moving to a self-driven, learner-centric model. 

New tech, the pandemic, increased upskilling and reskilling after university, and the 'creator economy' have all driven this massive change. The addition of Team Education evolved the system, yet the classroom model hasn’t changed. Where one teacher serves an average of 25+ students, the traditional classroom makes delivering student centred learning difficult! So while technology is shifting the model from "same place, same pace" to a more flexible, hybrid, "my space" model - the classroom is struggling to keep up. 

So, how do we offer more student-centric education? That's where Academic coaching comes in. It enables students to take charge of their education and tailor their learning journey to their unique needs and goals; in alignment with a future full of empowered students and lifelong learners who can adapt to our rapidly changing world.

The Decentralised Future of Education

Like many stable pillar industries, education is changing. It's becoming more personalised and user-centric. From accessing knowledge to the pace and location, education is moving to a self-driven, learner-centric model. 

New tech, the pandemic, increased upskilling and reskilling after university, and the 'creator economy' have all driven this massive change. The addition of Team Education evolved the system, yet the classroom model hasn’t changed. Where one teacher serves an average of 25+ students, the traditional classroom makes delivering student centred learning difficult! So while technology is shifting the model from "same place, same pace" to a more flexible, hybrid, "my space" model - the classroom is struggling to keep up. 

So, how do we offer more student-centric education? That's where Academic coaching comes in. It enables students to take charge of their education and tailor their learning journey to their unique needs and goals; in alignment with a future full of empowered students and lifelong learners who can adapt to our rapidly changing world.

Academic Coaching: What is it?

Academic coaching is a personalized, student-centred approach to education. It focuses on helping students achieve their educational goals while developing essential life skills and habits.

Key tenants include goal setting, skill development, motivation, time management, accountability, independence and emotional support. The path and tactics used to master these skills can look different for every student. Academic coaching considers this, and all aspects of a student's life, personality, and learning style to deliver long-term support. 

Tutoring vs. Academic Coaching: Understanding the Differences

Academic Coaching: 

  • A holistic approach to learning

  • Focuses on study skills, time management, and personal development

  • Long-term support aimed at improving academic performance and confidence 

  • Encourages critical thinking and problem-solving

  • Empowers students by teaching them how to learn effectively and independently


  • Focuses on specific subject matter

  • Offers short-term help, often to address immediate academic challenges.

  • Emphasises content mastery through explanations and practice

  • Usually, it involves a tutor providing answers or explanations.

The Power of Combining Tutoring and Academic Coaching

While tutoring is vital for understanding complex topics and delivers short-term results, academic coaching adds another support layer that can revolutionise learning.

Imagine a scenario where a student is struggling with calculus. Traditional tutoring might involve a tutor explaining calculus concepts and solving equations. The academic coach would dig deep into the reason the student is having trouble grasping these calculus concepts, developing session strategies to guide the student in overcoming these challenges and any similar ones in future.

This could involve helping the student develop effective study habits, time management skills, stress management techniques, and/or simple mindset shift towards tackling school challenges.

Combined, the student not only grasps calculus but excels in other subjects and builds essential, transferable life skills! Not to mention, the student discovers their ability to be an independent learner, and develops confidence in their learning style, strategies, and successes. 

The Positive Results of Combining Tutoring and Academic Coaching:

  • Improved academic performance across all subjects as students learn how to learn effectively.

  • Enhanced self-confidence and motivation as students become more independent learners.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety as students develop practical time management skills.

  • Better preparation for post-secondary education and future careers.

Academic coaching is a powerful tool for high school success in the evolving education landscape. Tutoring remains valuable for subject-specific support. At the same time, academic coaching equips students with essential skills for lifelong learning and development. It embodies the shift towards decentralised learning. It empowers students to take an active role in their educational journey. By combining the two, students can achieve better academic performance, increased confidence, and a strong foundation for the future.

So, if you're a high school student or a parent looking for academic success, consider the transformative power of a dual approach! It may just be the secret to unlocking your full potential.


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